Ethical Trading Statement
As a Reiki Master wanting to spread positive vibes and intentions to all, I am very concerned about the unethical practices that can occur within the crystal mining industry, and I trust you are too.
In order to ensure I am not contributing to any poor practices, I have chosen a supplier who has a very good ethical trading history. They are a family owned business who has been trading for the last 50 years and have always taken care to find the best people to work with and where possible they visit the factories and mines that supply these products. All their suppliers have been selected for their reliability and trustworthiness, and they have established a network of companies and individuals who are trusted implicitly. From their experiences of travelling to meet their suppliers and getting to know them and their families, they have never witnessed any unethical or exploitative practices.
They recently changed their Madagascan supply as they were concerned about the supplier’s ethics but in doing so they subsequently found another lady supplier, one of the most amazing Madagascan suppliers. She has a well-established crystal cutting and polishing company that employs hundreds of Malagasy people. She has committed her life to a business that gives back to the local economy and community in a country where a fragile infrastructure and corrupt government make running a business extremely difficult. She pays her employees double the going rate and supports her employees through sickness and health.
Warmest regards
Michelle xx